A Brand New Look

Lisa wanted to update the Lacquer Lounge look. After 8 years since her last redesign, she felt it was time for a major upgrade.

Brand Refresh

Lisa had rebranded Lacquer Lounge 8 years ago when she first moved her business to Old City. Since then, trends have majorly changed and it was time to catch up.


After having trouble choosing a favorite design from Version 1 options, Lisa went with this simple, timeless logo. A customer said it reminded them of Chanel.


The outdoor signage was very important since Old City gets tons of foot traffic. We went with something clean, modern, and most of all, welcoming.

Gift Certificate

It was close to the holidays, so we made sure to also upgrade the gift experience. This slide out box and crisp card was much more luxurious than an envelope.

Business Cards

Clean, simple, to the point.

The Menu

Lacquer Lounge has tons of services, packages, extras, and add-ons! This was a complex menu that was like a big puzzle, but the result is a menu that has full descriptions for every service and an easy-to-understand layout.